- [2025/01] Our papers on reciprocal learning and fabric EMG sensing are accepted to ICORR 2025.
- [2024/11] I am joining the Program Committee for RSS Pioneers 2025.
- [2024/11] Our work on understanding clinician perspectives on usability and roles for robotic hand orthoses for stroke is featured in NYP Advances in Rehabilitation Medicine: "Clinicians Support the Use of Novel Dual-Purpose Robotic Hand Orthosis for Post-Stroke Rehab"
- [2024/09] Officially switched over to the Advanced Track of Columbia CTL's Teaching Development Program!
- [2024/08] Attending BioRob! We are presenting papers on effects of volitional orthosis control with stroke users and on assisted grasp modulation with SCI users at the main conference. I am also co-organizing the Building Responsive Body-Machine Interfaces with Biosignals and Robotic Exoskeletons workshop.
- [2024/07] Attending RSS! I am honored to be part of the 2024 RSS Pioneers cohort.
- [2024/05] I gave a talk about ongoing hand orthosis projects at the 2024 New England Manipulation Symposium.
- [2024/02] I will be co-facilitating Columbia University's Center for Teaching and Learning "Wowza!" Discussion Series, where we take a closer look at intriguing educational literature and focus on how to implement it in teaching practice. Registration link is here!
- [2023/10] I gave a talk on synchronous remote teaching at the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning's CTLGrads Workshop.
- [2023/10] Joaquin and Alex presented our workshop paper on developing a powered glove for assisting grasping usable by people with SCI at IROS2023 Assistive Robotics for Citizens workshop; it was their first conference!
- [2023/09] I gave a talk on our hand orthosis for stroke at the Global Perspectives on Medicine, Rehabilitation and Robotics Webinar.
- [2023/07] I have been awarded a Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award (NIH F31) for my project Impact of biofeedback and task-specific training with a robotic hand orthosis on voluntary muscle modulation for rehabilitation post-stroke."
- [2023/07] I was selected to serve as a 2023-2024 CIRTL Fellow through the Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning.
- [2022/08] I was selected for inclusion in the 2022 Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering cohort.
- [2022/08] Our RA-L paper on thumb stabilization is a Best Paper Finalist at BioRob 2022.
- [2022/07] I gave a talk for our paper on assisting supination at ICORR 2022.
- [2022/03] Columbia Engineering Magazine's Aging Issue: "Better Living with Robots" features our work on addressing the challenges of building an adaptable robot for stroke.
- [2021/11] Our work on understanding high-speed production of spider silk is featured in The Scientist magazine: "Webless Jumping Spiders Spin Super Strong Silk."
Other Press
Articles about side projects that I participated in, or other places with my name that are unrelated to research
- Atlas Obscura article on the 2015 MIT East Campus Roller Coaster, for which I was a member of design and construction leadership.
- "Up Your Score: ACT" books, for which I was a student editor from 2013-2014.