Ava Profile Photo

I am a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University, advised by Matei Ciocarlie. I am a member of the Robotic Manipulation and Mobility (ROAM) Lab, where I build robotic exoskeletons for assisting and rehabilitating hand dexterity after upper-limb impairment. My research interests include electromechanical design of robotic exoskeletons, human motor coordination and adaptation during robotic assistance, physical human-robot interaction and biofeedback, and aligning robotics development with application priorities of clinicians and impaired users. I am an NIH F31 Fellow, supported by a Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award.

Before joining Columbia, I was a research assistant at Harvard University and worked with Paul Shamble. I received my Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, where I worked with Hugh Herr and Arthur Petron.

Currently, I have the pleasure to work with the following Columbia MS and undergraduate students: Grace Munger, Matheu Campbell, Shiyao Marcus Lam, Elise Yang, Andrew Chin.

See a list of students that I have mentored in the past: (+) See a list of students that I have mentored in the past: (-)
Connor Lee
Columbia MechE Ugrad, next: Cofounder at Arctic Capture
Runsheng Wang
Columbia Statistics MA, next: MechE PhD at Columbia (ROAM Lab!)
Alexandra Deli-Ivanov
Columbia MechE Ugrad, next: Mech. Design Engineer at SpaceX
Joaquin Palacios
Columbia MechE Ugrad / Robotics MS, next: MechE PhD at Columbia (ROAM Lab!)
Akshay Venkatesan
Columbia Data Science MS
Pedro La Rotta
Columbia Robotics MS, next: ML Engineer at Accrete AI
Katherine O'Reilly
Columbia MechE Ugrad, next: MechE MS at UIUC
Carolyn David
Columbia Biomed MS, next: Human Factors R&D at Emergo
Preethika Chivikula
Columbia Biomed MS, next: Quality Engineer at BD Biosciences
Ciara Little
Columbia MechE Ugrad, next: Env/Water Eng. PhD at UMass Amherst
Katelyn G. Mitchell
Columbia MechE Ugrad, next: Mech. Design Engineer at ASML
See my CV for a longer list.

Latest news: [2024/09] Happy to have joined the Advanced Track of Columbia Center for Teaching and Learning's Teaching Development Program!